Monday, November 12, 2007

Some stupid cheer

What a weekend!

Is it over already?

We managed to get a good amount of stuff done around here, that which I am very thankful for.

This list includes but is not limited to:

Making the tags for the cookie bags
Making the food labels
Preparing each child's take-out style gift box (you'll have to wait for the pictures!)
Deciding the finalfinalfinal menu
Clearing the clutter from the living room
Cleaning up the office/guest room
Wrapping/boxing Rylee's gifts
Putting together this for the girl as well
Hanging the curtain in our room
Putting up and painting the chair rail in Rylee's room and ordering these
for her walls
Painting the trim on the bedroom doors and some of the molding around the floor
Cleaning the baseboards
Caulking the wainscoting in the bathrooms
Working on Rylee's pictures
Dusting the entire house!

We also managed to play some more guitar hero (Lou is ridiculous on any other level besides easy), clean out the fridge, go to dinner with my family, help rodney's dad shop for surround sound, go hobby lobby for various party/cake needs, and go through Rylee's room in order to get rid of some of the things she no longer plays with.

Today Rylee and I went to Target to get the bulk of the grocery shopping out of the way for the party. I have a detailed list of everything I have to get done on each day of this week.

Today's list included:

Grocery shopping - check!
Cookie Dough making - check!
Laundry - check!

I still have some scrubbing to do in Rylee's room :(

There's a lot of work to do but luckily I have an amazing support system in place! My mom is bringing some sweets to the party (which relieves me of making something), Rodney has done EVERYTHING I have asked of him and has gone above and beyond to get things done and Jess is even spending the night on Friday to help! What an awesome guardian she is.

There's so much I want to say right now - so very, very much. There's a lot changing in my life and a lot I'm changing myself.

Once my thoughts have been totally collected, I'll share them here.

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