My apologies sincerely.
As usual, things have been busy/crazy/hectic around here and it seems like I haven't even had a moment to sleep.
The Dandy Warhols concert was pretty awesome. I'm very glad I decided to go because they are a great band live. I also had to chance to just hang out with the girls and gossip, which was pretty fun in itself. Suzy just so happened to know Court from way back in the day and somehow we ended up back at the hotel, chatting it up with everyone. Fun times.

I spent the rest of the week working on Marissa's cake. You can check it out here.
Early Friday we met up with Leila at Nokia Live. We went to lunch with her, Mikey, Mondo and Paul.
Piled in the back of our CX-7

After lunch we hung out at the venue. They played pretty early that afternoon and we were able to watch them from the 3rd row. I enjoyed seeing them and hanging out with Leila, I just wish I could have had a little more time with her. I never realize how much I miss her sometimes.
Saturday was the shower which Rylee and I attended minus Rodney. (girls only shower) We left for Austin once we were done there, getting into town just as my grandmother had gotten in from San Antonio as well. We had dinner, went by Target and settled in for the night after that.
While in Austin we did a lot of shopping (for Rylee). It was a nice break.
Tuesday Clifford came by and we went out to Northpark so he could buy Rylee's birthday present from Babystyle. He ended up spending a small fortune in there, purchasing her Christmas gift as well. We had to pull into the loading dock to get it all! The ladies in the store were oohing and awwwing over him. They kept saying, "he's an adoring uncle, he loves her so much!"
OH! I went ahead and bought Guitar Hero 3 (for the Wii) for Rodney as an early Christmas gift. Several people (in stores) told me that if I didn't buy it now, I certainly wouldn't be able to get it for Christmas so I made the decision to go ahead and get it. We thought about keeping it put away until Christmas but in the end we decided to break it out anyway.
Can you say addicting? Not only is it addicting, it's REALLY fun. I've only been playing for 2 days but I'm literally dreaming about frets and strumming. We have nine million things to do (before Rylee's birthday next week) but for some reason, all I want to do is play Baracuda (Heart) and Story of My Life (Social Distortion). In my lifetime there have only been 3 games that I have truly loved playing. Super Mario Brothers (on Super NES), Tetris and Mario Kart (for N64). Guitar Hero might get added to that list!
Today is my brother's birthday! Clifford is 23 today. He's working right now but as soon as he gets off, we're all headed to downtown Fort Worth for some Pappadeux's!!
More pics of the kiddo,

I got GH3 for my birthday and CAN NOT stop playing it, I have totally abandoned the first two. And I was bouncing up and down like a mega-dork when I realized it had a Strokes song on it, ha.
Does it have the normal guitar controller for the Wii, or do you play it with the hand held thingy?
It has a normal guitar, the Wii-Mote goes inside of it so you have control of the Wii. It's freaking sweet.
We don't have a strokes song on our version, do you have the Killers on yours?
Yeah, I've got the Killers on mine.
You might have to unlock the Strokes one, if you Google the cheat codes, you can unlock all the songs at one time instead of working your way down the setlist.
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