shu uemura is a really great make-up and skin care line that uses deep sea water as the fundamental element in all of it's products.
These cleansers are some of my favorite products they offer

It really gives new meaning to the expression takes the day off. You put it all over and then splash water on your face. This causes the cleanser to foam. Scrub your face as usual and wash off the excess. Voila! This cleanser feels so natural on your face and you can literally FEEL it softening your skin.
All of their makeup feels just as good. It's very lightweight and soft on your face. It doesn't feel heavy or oily but it still gives great coverage and hides all of those little imperfections we all have.
I picked up this foundation the other day. It's perfect for me because it's easy to all apply when I'm headed out the door and it looks GREAT. It litearlly looks like I just spent an hour on my makeup when I really only took about 2 minutes!

shu uemura recently unveiled their new spring line, including this great new shade of eye-shadow.

I picked up this shade per Paul's suggestion. He said it would be a great color for me, for everyday wear. He was totally right!

I love the cute, clear, compact case!
If you haven't checked out shu uemura, you definitely should! You won't be disappointed!
i love shu uemura... the colors & displays are always so pretty & the packaging is fun!
They also make THE BEST eyelash curler ever! If you have to leave the house with only 30 seconds to fix your face, 15 seconds on each eye will create a great look!
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