More on that in a bit.
Sunday afternoon I went shopping with Jessica. You can read a little more about it at Harvest Moon. I went telling myself that I didn't need to buy anything but secretly knew that I would find something I just couldn't live without. I did. I wish I could find pictures on Forever but they rarely have any of the items they actually have in the store online.
I found the skirt of my dreams. Seriously, of my dreams. It's knee length, black with white polka dots and slightly poofy. Now, if you know me, you know that I absolutely LOVE polka dots. LOVELOVELOVE polka dots. Even my Kate Spade has a polka dotted liner. I'm thinking about debuting it for R's birthday dinner next week at the Margarita Ranch. (by the way, I'm totally making a cake in a margarita glass for said event).
I also found a sweater/shirt that was on sale. It's my favorite type of sweater, black with a white collar sewn in (collar has black polka dots on it as well) and a tie that you can either make into a bow or just leave hanging.
Shopping was fun but short because I had to get over to the Shipmans to take over baby duty. The girls were asleep when I got there so I spent a little while entertaining Lisa and Suzy. We laughed about some boys we used to know and got pretty hyped about our upcoming trip to Schlitterbahn. It's going to be great and I can't wait. Well, I can wait on the wearing a bathing suit in public part but I'll get over it.
Yesterday I went to the new cake supply store I found near my house, which you can read about here and grabbed a few things from my favorite place, Target. I baked all of the cakes I needed to bake for the day, made dinner for Rylee and I (margherita pizza), got her into bed and cleaned up as much as I could. Rodney has band practice Monday nights, so it's just the two of us.
I finished up the cake today while my brother (one of two) was over. He was in rare form today. We were able to sit and talk without interruption for awhile because Rylee was asleep when he got here. It's weird for me to think that he's only two years shy of the age that I got married at. Not even that really. More like a year and a half. He agreed to go to the store with me because I needed a few things that I'd forgotten yesterday. We walked outside to what seemed like a monsoon. We got into my car and drove to the store through the rain. The parking lot was flooded AND we were both wearing flip flops. Needless to say, we were soaked upon entering the store. Once we got what I needed and were ready to leave, we were of course, dry. It was raining even harder. We decided to make a run for it. I had Rylee and he had the bag of groceries and my purse. We darted out into the pouring rain hysterically laughing the entire way. I could barely see on the way home and we were still laughing - so that made it worse. I made him stay here for a while until the rain let up a bit, which he did.

I started dinner while he was still here, playing with Rylee. Tonight I made NieNie's Mexican Lasagna. Can I just say that it was DELICIOUS? I'm not exaggerating by any means. R had THREE pieces. We had ours with a little bit of lite sour cream on top but it was just as great without it. I made a bowl for Rylee but she sort of had a meltdown tonight. Not really sure why, but for some reason she started asking for a pancake (she eats whole wheat pancakes plain, most mornings). We tried to show her that she had food in her bowl and attempted to get her to eat it but she wasn't having it. She was SCREAMING at this point and crying. Serious crying. Like she'd just broke her arm crying. I let Rodney eat and whipped up a batch up whole wheat pancakes while eating my dinner at the same time. She was happy. Normally I wouldn't give into this kind of behaviour with her but this time was different. I can tell when she's just acting out for attention or throwing a fit to be obnoxious. This was not one of those times. She was truly upset and I didn't want her to be any longer.
Anyway, the lasagna was fantastic. You should all definitely try it. Right now in fact.

Tomorrow I have 4 cakes to bake, Thursday we have swim lessons and cake decorating to do all afternoon and most likely into the evening as well.
My husband's birthday is coming up, as is our anniversary. I think I might just do an interview with that guy. He's a pretty funny dude.
haha, you should interview josh and I can interview rodney.
looking good!
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