I've been busy lately making cupcakes and cakes and completing orders so I haven't had quite as much time to update as I'd like.
Thursday was a pretty busy day for us. We have swim lessons Thursday mornings with the Shipmans (Lisa and Rylee's bff, Hannah) and that takes up a lot of time and energy, even though the lesson is only 30 minutes long. I guess once the girls move up to Advanced Waterbabies or Aqua Babies and we don't have to get in the pool with them, it will be different. For now though, it's very exhausting. Both of the girls are definitely the stars of the class. Mind you, there are only 4 babies in our class...but still. They are both going under for 10 seconds at a time, which is a pretty big deal. This week our instructor had us try something new with them, where she held them and pushed them under, trying to get them to swim to us under water. Both of them did so well! I was amazed at how much Rylee kicked and swam on her own, it was definitely a proud moment for this mama and I know it was for Lisa as well.
We had our usual lunch date after swim class and this week we choose Jason's Deli. Some of my most favorite moments in the world are at Thursday lunches. Even if Rylee is screaming at the top of her lungs. I need those Thursdays. I need the break, I need the talk and the plan making. It's great.
I baked 3 dozen cupcakes, 3 dozen mini cupcakes and a 5 inch cake that afternoon for orders this weekend.
Let's back track for a moment. I forgot about Wednesday.
I made the Black Bean Chili as I said I would that afternoon. Rylee and I shared some watermelon on the kitchen floor while things were simmering. It was the first time I had really given her a big piece of watermelon. She's tried it before and not really cared for it either way, but I'd really hoped she'd go for it this time. What do you think?

The color version of this picture is great too. I'll post it another time though.
The chili was a success. It was pretty easy to make, as were the whole wheat tortillas and the buttermilk cornbread. Everyone here loved it, as did I. It's definitely going to become part of our household menu. Rylee was all about it - she ate a huge bowl and then some of ours! Our good friend and Rylee's Godfather, Ryan, was over that night and even though he wasn't hungry, I'm pretty sure I counted 4 pieces of cornbread going in his mouth. He's awesome.

Later that night we went to his sisters house (they are in Spain) and swam in their saltwater pool. It was fun, except for the part where June Bugs kept landing on me. That part wasn't cool at all.
Okay, back to Thursday.
Baked all of the cupcakes and cakes and then made dinner.
Pepper Mostacalli. Well, my version of it anyway. Which should technically be called Mushroom Mostacalli, I suppose. See, the dude I live with hates bell peppers. It's a downer, I know. Still, he won't eat anything with them in it. Even if he picks them off, he can still "taste" it. I try to avoid them if I can. So, in place of the bell peppers I used button mushrooms. Came out pretty good! The other mouths I feed ate their entire bowls! Rylee especially liked the pasta.

I think this might be the first time I have sat down today. Scratch that, I layed down on the couch with Rylee after lunch and we fell asleep. Me for 10 minutes, she for 2 hours (after I laid her down).
I have been decorating cupcakes all day long. That's what took me the longest, the cupcakes. The details on them took a long time, even though the design seems so simple. I swear, I kept looking up and noticing that the hour had changed. I finally finished with the cupcakes (50 of them) at 6:45 this evening. Rodney got home a little late today and we usually have leftovers or order out on Fridays, so no cooking for me tonight. We had Jason's Deli. I should seriously invest in a franchise. I had vegetarian vegetable soup and salad, r & r shared a baked potato. She also ate some of my soup. We took a break to watch an episode of The Office (also known as the greatest show on tv) and then it was back to work for me. I finished with everything at 1 am.
Lots of stuff to do this weekend, I guess it's bedtime!
1 comment:
Wow. You are one busy gal.
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