We started visiting homes last week. There was one in particular that I was very excited about and wanted to see more than anything. I went on my own and then Rodney came and looked at it that afternoon. We both really liked it a lot. It was pretty much perfect for me. It's an older home that had been added onto and the previous owners had done a ton of work. They pretty much overhauled the entire house. They added on an enormously perfect kitchen (with a third sink!), a giant island and the prettiest slate tile. The added on a HUGE laundry room/storage area that was just too awesome. It had enough room for a second frig, washer and dryer, a folding table, storage shelves, and more!
Unfortunately, it had problems that we could not take on. When they added on to the house, they did not do the best job. We had our dad's come look at it Saturday afternoon and the concurred. Too much money to fix it properly. They both even pulled Rodney aside at one point and shook their heads. Too bad too, I loved that little house.
Anyway, just when we'd seen crappy house after crappy house...suddenly, a gem!! This house had just been reduced 15k the day before we had seen it, putting it just in our price range. From the moment we pulled up to it, we both had a feeling of, 'this is it!' We were right! It's great, really great! It's in a newer neighborhood with newer homes and it has been remodeled and added to very nicely! We put a bid in on it that afternoon (saturday), they countered and we accepted. The paperwork was faxed this morning, so hopefully we'll be getting the signed contract back tomorrow or the next day! If so, we close in a month.
We move quickly over here you know.
I'll put pictures up when it's a done deal.
Sunday we went to the Hurst waterpark with Richie, Ana and Miles. It was really fun and really hot. We slathered the sunscreen on and had a really good time. That evening we went to Benihana with Rodney (and Richie's) parents and RAM. (Richie, Ana, Miles). The kids were a little stir crazy sitting at that table (it was taking the longest time) but once they started slinging rice and veggies, they calmed down. I had a shrimp frenzy and Rodney had a tuna steak (Pescatarian, remember!!). I also had some yummy green tea ice cream afterwards.
That evening I started to feel pretty sick. Then I got pretty sick. I was up all night long. It was awful. Rodney had to stay home Monday because I could barely get off of the couch. Then we noticed that Rylee was feverish. We took her temperature and it as 102. I decided that we should take her in to see the doctor. Rodney didn't think it was necessary but I insisted. We took her ( I drug myself there) and they discovered she has strep throat. Second time in 3 months when "they" say kids under 3 don't get it. My kid's only 20 months and she's had it twice. They gave her two shots of peni and a script for Omnicef, hoping we could get it knocked out faster than the last time. The last time they prescribed the Omnicef and within a day of that visit, she still had a high fever, had liquid coming out of her ears and eyes. We ended up having to give her rosefin shots 3 days in a row because the infection was so bad. She's still feverish today. I will probably have to take her back tomorrow. She's just like me, doesn't get over things easily and gets REALLY sick.
Today I woke up with a sore throat. Now, for someone who has had strep throat over 25 times throughout the course of her life, acute tonisilitis more than 8 times and a tonsilectomy only last year at the age of 25, I know when I am getting it. I mean, I know when I am getting it. I knew this morning. Terrible headache, very sore throat, achey back = incoming strep throat. I went to the doctor this afternoon to see if I could catch mine in time. We're leaving for Austin Thursday night and I really can't be sick. He agreed and handed me the meds. They don't even have to do a strep test on me anymore, they can just look in my throat and take my word for it. That's pretty sad I think.
I feel a little better now but I felt bad earlier.
I HAD to work on the cakes for Rodney and James tonight, I didn't have a choice. I have to have it done tomorrow and get another cake started that is to be delivered before we leave on Thursday.
Rodney has been very helpful with the cakes tonight...even though it's his BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Happy Birthday to my sweethelpfulwonderulunderstanding husband!!

Tomorrow I'm going to try to make it up to Tango. Rodney has practice even though it's his birthday and I want to spend it with him. Which is why I really have to finish the cakes. HAVE TO!
I made my own Pomegranite Lemonade, delicious! Thank you concentrate!

Can't wait for this weekend, it's going to be great.! Austin, Schlitterbahn, Ikea, Kerbey Lane!!
1 comment:
I want to sample your pomegranate lemonade, if only because that looks suspiciously like my pom soda + vodka concoction I love so much.
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