Things have seriously been crazy around here. I know, I say that quite frequently but it's the truth.
I made a big dinner Wednesday night and it turned out very well. One of Rodney's favorite things to eat is chicken (when we ate meat) or eggplant parmigiana. Going upon my friend Lisa's advice, I decided to try using the morningstar soy patties in place of the eggplant/chicken.
I spread some marinara sauce in the bottom of a casserole dish and placed 4 soy patties in the bottom. I spread some more marinara on top of the patties and then covered that with a piece of mozzarella cheese. I repeated this process once more so that there were two patties stacked in each place, giving me 8 servings. Cooked at 425 degress for 15 minutes and voila!

I was very surprised at how well this turned out, it was absolutely delicious! Rodney said he couldn't even tell that it was made from soy patties.
I also made one of Lindsey's recipes to go along with this dish, summer beans. This recipe was VERY good. I can't rave about it enough! If you haven't tried it yet, definitely check it out!

I made pumpkin cheesecake for dessert but somehow forgot to take pictures of it :(
Now this is where it gets crazy.
This is the crazy part, I'm not kidding.
Somehow, someway, Wednesday evening, I managed to pull/dislocate some muscles in my back and my shoulder. Like, I couldn't move it hurt so badly. I couldn't sleep at all and spent the entire night trying to find a comfortable position to lay in. It didn't happen. Thursday morning Rodney called and made an appointment for me to see our doctor because I am not kidding you, I could not move. Luckily he was off that day (to go to a concert) and could drive me because I'm not sure I would have been able to.
I saw the doctor and she said it was pretty bad. She gave me a shot for the pain and wrote me three prescriptions. One for pain, one for inflammation and a muscle relaxer. She told me to see how I did over the weekend and to come back in next week for some x-rays. (Okay, so maybe this was not that crazy to you but it's a crazy thing to ramdonly happen to me)
So that is why Rodney is swimming with the kid. There was no possible way that I could handle it this week. It was very funny to see him singing songs and jumping around in the pool. He had no idea what he was doing and it was hilarious.

My baby goes down the big slide!

That afternoon she went to the zoo with Rodney's family that was in town from Mississippi. I couldn't go :(
I went with Lisa to look at some houses and then passed out cold when I got home. The pain pills they gave me knock me out. Good thing Rylee wasn't home.
Friday Rodney took Rylee over to his parents house so she could play with Maddy (Rodney's cousin's daughter) while everyone else went to Six Flags. Again, I could not go. I didn't really feel like paying to walk around in the heat either, so it was okay with me that I stayed home. Me + heat = no bueno. I did manage to get some cupcakes made for Rodney's aunt. It was her birthday so it was the least I could do. I met up with everyone later in the afternoon and we all went to dinner. Rodney's cousin's and Richie came over and played the Wii after that and I just kind of sat here watching.
Today we got up and went to the cake shop. I have 6 MAJOR cakes this week and to be honest, I'm a little bit nervous. I've never had that many in one week. We'll see how that works out for me. We also went back out to Ikea. We've been to Ikea more in the last month than we have in 2 years. I bought a few things including two dining chairs, a swing for Rylee's room, a bath mat, some tiny white vases, a print and a frame.
We're supposed to close on the house in two weeks.
Two weeks.
I'm literally counting down the hours. I just want to sign those papers!
Do all your cakes have to be done before Saturday?
I hope you are feeling better! And now that I know you haven't mysteriously lost access to a computer you need to e-mail me!
Well, I have a cake due Friday, two on Saturday and one on Sunday. My back and shoulders are now not functioning properly and the meds they gave me knock me out. It's sad over here.
I'm so glad you liked those beans. We ate them again a few days ago.
I love everything you make. And it's fun to get to know you better through your blog!
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